
Showing posts from January, 2020

5 Things to Clean After the Holidays

While the holidays are about enjoying quality time with your family and friends, what’s left of it can be a real drag. For East Texas homeowners, cleaning after the holidays is a bit challenging, especially when all the hustle and bustle has taken its toll. Here are five things you must tidy up in your home after the holidays: Fridge If you find your fridge overburdened by holiday leftovers, you might need to do some cleaning. Check labels and containers for expiration dates. Dispose of anything that might have gone bad. Re-arrange the fridge contents, possibly by the expiration date. Lastly, clean the racks, compartments, and interior of your fridge to keep it fresh looking. Oven Getting rid of oil stains, grease, spills, and grime on the oven can be troublesome. But, let us provide you with a practical way to deal with it! Re-heating your oven at just the right temperature to melt the burnt dirt. Afterward, turn it off and wipe the dirt off with a clean cloth. Remember